This list of questions and answers stems from the hundreds of questions or concerns brought to the Board of Directors or Space Coast Property Management from owners, tenants, or the real estate community over the past few years. We hope to provide clarity for many of the owners or tenants that have received incorrect information in the past from other owners, the developer, neighbors, or real estate agents.
Amenities and Fees
How do I get a gate card for the pool? What time does it open and close?
Contact the property management company at 321-733-3382. Please review the Docs/Forms page for Key Card Policy and Pool Key Card Application. Replacement cards are $50. The pool is open from dawn to dusk.
How do I pay my homeowners dues?
Homeowners receive a coupon book for the fiscal year. You can auto-pay from your bank, pay-in-person at the management office or, directly mail. Contact property management at 321-733-3382 for additional information. Currently assessments are $95/month.
3. Can I reserve the pavilion for a party?
Reservations for private parties at the pool pavilion are NOT allowed anymore.
Do I have to wear wrist bands at the pool and tennis courts and how many do I get for family and guests?
Yes please wear the wristbands at the pool and tennis courts. Each household gets 4 wrist bands or more if they have more than 4 immediate family members living at the home.
Is anyone allowed to attend the community events?
All residents are permitted to attend. No outside guests are allowed unless as an overnight guest of a resident.
Is anyone allowed to attend the board meetings?
Homeowners only. Renters and guests are not permitted unless invited by the Board of Directors.
Maintenance Responsibilities
What day is trash collection?
Lawn clippings are collected Monday; regular trash Monday and Thursday and, recycling (the yellow lid can) on Wednesday.
What is the homeowner’s responsibility for the properties landscaping?
To maintain landscape beds, trees, pavers, keep hard surfaces (driveway, sidewalk) free of mold and mildew, keep clean white vinyl fencing. The only responsibility the association has for exterior care on individual homes is the care of the turf and irrigation system.
What reasons do I need approval from the association to do something on my property?
Any landscape improvements to the property, any structural improvements. If in doubt, contact the Architectural Review Committee.
I have a concern about my lawn maintenance or irrigation. Who do I contact?
Contact our property management company at 321-733-3382.
Who is responsible for utilities and each home’s exterior structures?
Each owner is responsible for the exterior components of their home just as if it was a single family home. This includes power, water, cable, and telephone services along with roofing, painting, doors and windows, gutters, doors, and every interior component. The only responsibility the association has for exterior care on individual homes is the care of the turf and irrigation system.
Who is responsible for street light bulb replacement?
FPL will replace street lights. Please contact them with the appropriate street light pole number.
Who is responsible for insurance?
Each owner should purchase property insurance that covers the entire structure and its interior finishes. The Sonesta Walk HOA only covers pool, spa, and pavilion property insurance.
Who is responsible for the road and sidewalk in the association?
The roads and sidewalks are owned and maintained by the City of Melbourne. The association has no control over their maintenance or usage.
Can The Sonesta Walk HOA quickly force owners to comply with the covenants?
Covenant enforcement should be viewed as a lengthy process for persons that do not voluntarily correct the issue. The association has to follow a series of steps, to include: notices of violations than engage in costly legal work that is born up front by the association. This is an economic decision for the Board of Directors who decide “at what cost is enforcement worth pursuing?” on an individual basis.
What should I do if I receive a covenant enforcement violation letter?
Please addresses the item listed on the letter immediately and return the response sheet to SCPM. If you are a Landlord or “snowbird” we suggest you find someone to address items in your absence.
Is The Sonesta Walk HOA responsible for domestic conflicts between different owners or tenants?
The association has some jurisdiction in regards to each member’s “peaceful enjoyment of their home”. Generally, this is best handled by the police for cases where threats have been made, as they have the power behind the law. Unfortunately, “peaceful enjoyment” is very subjective, and proves difficult in supplying evidence to create an indisputable case. For example: kids playing in the front yard of a neighbor’s house can be terribly distracting to someone trying to read on their porch. Owners should expect the association to respond to complaints of peaceful enjoyment that break municipal laws, and not those that do not. This is the only way to bring an objective format to a highly subjective area of concern. Owners wishing to have the association assist in complaints regarding “peaceful enjoyment” should provide the Board hard physical evidence of a disturbance from a local code enforcement officer. For example a police report that indicates that a disturbance of the peace was observed by an officer. With this information and physical documenting of the event, the HOA can accomplish a greater resolution to the issue without it being immediately countered.
I have a commercial vehicle. Is that allowed?
No commercial vehicles are permitted. Magnetic signs can be removed nightly.
Can I put a “for sale” or “for rent” sign on my property?
No signage allowed.
Is Sonesta Walk HOA responsible for evicting tenants that do not follow the rules?
The Sonesta Walk HOA has no power to evict a tenant. The association can only document violations and fine owners that do not ensure their tenants follow rules.
Space Coast Property Management and the Board should deal with my tenants if they have issues with my tenants following the rules, need assistance with pool access, or have concerns?
SCPM and the Board have a covenant with the owner of each property and Florida Statutes require communication with the owners. Owners that lease their homes need to act as the landlord and provide a conduit for information with the tenants as the HOA sends legal notices or information to the owner’s address of record. In other words, if you receive a notice from the association, you as the owner should act upon it rather than assume your tenant received it. Owners are ultimately responsible for the actions of their guests, tenants, and visitors.
Is The Sonesta Walk HOA responsible for communicating to the real estate community which homes are for sale or in foreclosure?
The association is not tasked with this duty and bears no responsibility for the information.
Does Space Coast Property Management make decisions for the community?
SCPM is the administrative arm of the Board of Directors. They follow the orders of the Board or policies set in place by the Board of Directors, and do not have any governing authority over community processes.